Okay, so I've managed to get Safari up and running using the hotel's ISP, and have been able to actually look through images both on flickr directly and through the Creative Commons search function. I found that the latter was better for finding CC licensed work because even though I went to flickrCC to search, it returned items not licensed. Going from the CC site was more reliable in that respect. What I was searching for was an image of Bellevue College. The reason behind this was two-fold. One, that is where I am actually visiting with my students at the moment. Two, I thought I might be able to find images of Bellevue that I could use to introduce the college to students in the future and that we might use on our college's website. I found one that I loved, but was not licensed and since I don't know that using it here would be a transformative use, I have chosen to err on the side of caution and not use it. Besides which, the point of this exercise was to find one that was clearly licensed. This image was nearly as good, and is offered under a CC attribution license.
Photo Attribution:
Original Image: "R_L_Building Panorama-2.jpg" © July 21, 2010 by Bellevue College, uploaded Feb. 19, 2012 from flickr.
Used under a Creative Commons Attribution license: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0.
I also was able to add and license a couple images to my own flickr account. I experimented with loading an image, licensing it at Creative Commons, and applying the license afterwards as well as licensing through flickr directly so that I would learn how to do both. Flickr has allowed me to set up a blanket preference so that any photo I upload falls under the license. That is convenient, and it also does not prevent me from doing a more or less restrictive option on individual images should I desire. Anyway, this photo may be useful for anyone wanting to teach about Japanese gardens, temple gardens, stone lanterns, reflections, and so on but for me it is really just an example of one of the things I love about life in Japan - places and moments like where and when I took this photo.
Photo Attribution:
Original Image: "Light in a Garden" © by Thomas E. Bieri, available at flickr licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
What to do you think, would you like to visit there?
Monday, February 20, 2012
Creative Commons Post (Part 1)
One thing I found very interesting in both the Teachers
Teaching Teachers talk with Peter Jaszi (http://teachersteachingteachers.org/?cat=388) and the best practices reading (http://www.centerforsocialmedia.org/fair-use/related-materials/codes/code-best-practices-fair-use-media-literacy-education)
was that fair use in practice is actually open to a lot wider use than just in an
educational setting, and that it can apply to educational uses beyond just a
strictly educational setting such as a brick and mortar classroom. I appreciated learning something about
the guidelines by which to make my own assessments, such as whether one’s use
of copyrighted material is for a different purpose and different audience (thereby
not harming the copyright holder financially) and if you’ve used appropriate
portions. While the chart we were
provided a link to was appealing to me in being pretty straightforward, it was
also surprising to learn the standards outlined in it for the most part have no
real legal standing, and may actually be much more restrictive than fair use allows
in many instances.
A challenge I personally have with fair use doctrine is that
it pertains to US copyright law whereas I teach in Japan, where laws are quite
different. We recently had quite a
bit of debate within my institution about whether Japanese copyright law
allowed us to use textbook passages for entrance test reading assessments (the
answer seems to be yes if it is attributed) and if we were allowed to alter
them by simplifying vocabulary or changing sentence structure (less clear if
this is allowed or not). An
interesting issue that came up during this debate is that publishers actually
seem to be happy to have their material used in this way, as it tends to result
in more sales the next year because these tests are made public each year and then
people use them as a guide for how to study. While this may be true, I was thinking from a materials
writer’s standpoint, and found it inappropriate that there was changing of structure
to the point to sometimes alter meaning while simply attributing it to the
original author and not acknowledging the alterations.
Another interesting thing in the talk was actually not
really related to copyright at all but kind of a serendipitous discovery. The last few minutes focused on
something called “BrainyFlix”. This
was contest for students making videos to teach SAT vocabulary in an
interesting way, one word in roughly one minute. As the guys behind this described
the idea, I thought, “Hey, I could use these for my students to study English
words!” I started thinking that
not only could I have them watch the videos to learn vocabulary, but I could
also get them to make their own.
Then, lo-and-behold, one of the other teachers in the conversation piped
in that this sounded great for foreign language teaching. I am pretty sure I found something to
add to my toolbox of making my teaching more interesting as well as appealing
to more varied learning styles!
I know one of the key elements of this assignment is
embedding and citing a creative commons licensed image as well as licensing one
of my own. Unfortunately, I have
run into a “technical difficulties” roadblock in this respect. I am currently away from home, and am
in Bellevue with my students.
While I had managed to do most of this session before having to leave to
come here, and downloaded many of the materials to review on the bus and
airplane rides, I did not get to the point of selecting an image or licensing
one of my own. I brought my
MacBook (which I hadn’t used for a few months) with me to finish all that, as
well as keep studying while I am here, forgetting that I have continually had
problems with images, including maps, displaying in Firefox on this
machine. I have tried following various
troubleshooting advice from Firefox and changing overall system preferences, to
no avail. I have also tried using
Safari since getting here, but it seems to be unable to connect to the Internet
for some reason. So here I am
stuck, unable for the moment to do this portion of the assignment, too jetlagged
to come up with a creative solution, and with a deadline imminent. So the best I can do is post this for
now, and try to come back and add the other portions when I find a way around
my technical problems. More later…
Saturday, February 18, 2012
Learning Style Post
Growing up, and certainly once I started school, I have always been referred to as "smart", "a quick learner", and various other positive appellations regarding my intelligence. I was already reading by the time I started school, and remember reading Orwell's "Animal Farm" when I was maybe in 1st or 2nd grade. I read the whole thing, skipping some words I didn't know, asking about others, and followed the story fairly well. Of course, it wasn't until many years later when I reread it that I understood it in more depth. But the point is, while many of my peers were still sounding out words by phonics and had limited sight vocabulary, I was already pulling novels off the bookshelf and understanding the written representations of words I knew. I don't think this was any great magic, or even that I was significantly more intelligent than my peers. It was just that my mother had spent a lot of time with me in her lap reading together with me. I think this gave me a leg-up in school, in which what Howard Gardner refers to as linguistic intelligence is (or at least was) emphasized. I had a friend in growing up who was considered either stupid or lazy by many of his teachers. In fact, I knew him to be really quick to grasp concepts if you talked about them, and also to have an incredible ability to sort out mechanical problems in a flash. It turned out he had undiagnosed dyslexia and had always struggled to read and write, making much of the homework and tests we had extremely challenging. Even into college, I sometimes felt I had something of an advantage over a lot of my peers. I seemed to be able to read significantly faster than most of them, grasp things I read pretty quickly, and be able to write fairly well also. I even remember distinctly in one history course feeling that it was really unfair because while I had friends who I knew had spent hours and hours over at least a week reading and reviewing for the final test who got Bs and Cs on the test, I got an A just from listening to all the lectures plus skimming the textbook the evening before the test. When I was younger, I also had a pretty easy time grasping mathematics and basically never had math homework because I could finish it while the teacher was still helping others just to get the idea. I was sometimes popular because I could help others understand math when they didn't get the teacher's explanation. However, when I got to algebra and geometry, the concrete concepts were still pretty easy for me but more abstract things were harder to grasp. I also really can't remember ever having gotten lost until well into adulthood, even though I often ventured into places I had never been. Just like with the more concrete elements of geometry, spatial relationships between places and directions always seemed quite logical and easy to grasp.
At the same time, I always felt at least awkward if not totally incompetent in physical education activities and even lots of physical play activities. It wasn't only that I was smaller than most of my peers, but that I just didn't seem to have the control over my body that others showed. I also think that my lack of confidence in my physical abilities helped contribute to this in something of a self-fulfilling prophecy feedback-loop, and I came to actively dislike these activities. It didn't help that I proceeded to break bones and what not. Another area I often felt like a fish out of water in was music. I couldn't keep a tune in singing, and while my teachers were kind, my classmates were more willing to advise me before a performance things like, "just move your mouth and pretend you are singing." I had a music teacher in elementary school I still remember today, somewhat unfortunately. He was a somewhat cranky old guy who was clearly an immigrant, and why I remember him most of all is that he got so frustrated with my inability on the trumpet that he smacked the open end of it while I had the other end up to my lips, causing me no small amount of pain and embarrassment, and also to never try to play it again. I would like to think that today he would be fired for abuse, but anyway.. I also remember in junior high school talking with a friend about a popular song, and not being able to follow what he was talking about as he described the parts of the different instruments. To me it was all one united sound and I didn't even have a concept of the different instruments making different kinds of sounds. Finally, while I proceeded to do well enough overall in school to end up in an academic magnet high school, once there one notable failure was Latin. I had to take it twice to pass it, once again I encountered a European immigrant teacher whose methods were not conducive to my learning (lots of scolding and even whacking with a yardstick when one made a mistake). The second time around a much kinder woman helped me eek my way through. Once I reached college and had to take language there as well, I continued to have problems with it. By virtue of living several years in another country, I am now fairly bilingual, but my progress has been slow and mostly down to being immersed in the language.
So, while I was often referred to as intelligent, when I first encountered multiple intelligences theory, it intuitively struck me as right on the button for describing the reality of abilities and learning. It seemed from my experiences that different people have different abilities, that there are varying strengths and weaknesses in all of us, and that some of these are innate at least to some degree. Since learning about that it has helped me in my own learning, as I started to become less critical of myself in areas that I didn't excel, and to not give up on things that didn't come so easily. While I still am very unwilling to sing in front of people, even in a besotted karaoke session, in the area of physical activity, I took up flying-disc sports and persisted with one, Ultimate, to such an extent that I ended up being a member of a world champion team.
To turn a little more directly to this session's focus, I would like to mention the results of taking a couple of the MI assessments linked to for this class. I opted to try a couple of the free ones. The first one I did was "Assessment: Find Your Strengths!" at literacyworks.org. The second was "Howard Gardner's Miltiple Intelligences" from businessballs.com. While this latter one had some more detailed descriptions of Gardner's MI model than in the session notes, I found the assessment less satisfying than the former. This is because the results were merely presented as a numerical score for each intelligence type and no descriptors or explanation of what those scores might mean. Also, I found that my scores seemed to be fairly similar, ranging from 22 for Bodily-Kinesthetic to 29 for Intrapersonal. I am also not so sure that the types of statements actually lead to a true reflection of my learning strengths or weaknesses. For example, on Musical I scored 25 though I believe that I have little ability in this area. I think this is because some of the items were things like music is important to me or I like listening to music, both of which are true for me but which don't seem to reflect whether or not I have ability in music. The first assessment I took provided a more descriptive report, and included suggestions for taking advantage of what were rated as my top 3 intelligences. Interestingly, there were some significant contrasts between the two sets of results. While Intrapersonal was top rated on both instruments and Linguistic was also pretty high on both, Bodily-Kinesthetic was smack in the middle on the literacyworks one as opposed to bottom on the other. Also, on this one both Logical-Mathmatical and Musical were rated quite lowly. Therefore, I do have some doubt about relying on these assessments. Also, since my students are learners of English as a foreign or second language, these tests might be rather difficult to administer to them. That said, I do think that the tasks and activities described in Gardner's Model for Linguistic and Intrapersonal do seem to fit with what I have been comfortable with and successful at in much of my learning to date, which does point to some validity of these assessments.
As for using this concept to inform my teaching, I do it already, though not in any of the really formalized ways suggested in the session readings. I do try to incorporate a variety of activities, including doing some teacher-led stuff, some group activities while also giving students some time to work on their own, some things that involve physical activity, using music, giving students similar input both verbally and in written form, etc. I even explicitly taught my students this past year about this idea of there being multiple intelligences, specifically the visual, auditory, and kinesthetic types, and encouraged them to try to use their strengths. I am interested in maybe trying to adopt a more formal approach to teaching to different learning styles such as the learning cycle based on Kolb's model.
At the same time, I always felt at least awkward if not totally incompetent in physical education activities and even lots of physical play activities. It wasn't only that I was smaller than most of my peers, but that I just didn't seem to have the control over my body that others showed. I also think that my lack of confidence in my physical abilities helped contribute to this in something of a self-fulfilling prophecy feedback-loop, and I came to actively dislike these activities. It didn't help that I proceeded to break bones and what not. Another area I often felt like a fish out of water in was music. I couldn't keep a tune in singing, and while my teachers were kind, my classmates were more willing to advise me before a performance things like, "just move your mouth and pretend you are singing." I had a music teacher in elementary school I still remember today, somewhat unfortunately. He was a somewhat cranky old guy who was clearly an immigrant, and why I remember him most of all is that he got so frustrated with my inability on the trumpet that he smacked the open end of it while I had the other end up to my lips, causing me no small amount of pain and embarrassment, and also to never try to play it again. I would like to think that today he would be fired for abuse, but anyway.. I also remember in junior high school talking with a friend about a popular song, and not being able to follow what he was talking about as he described the parts of the different instruments. To me it was all one united sound and I didn't even have a concept of the different instruments making different kinds of sounds. Finally, while I proceeded to do well enough overall in school to end up in an academic magnet high school, once there one notable failure was Latin. I had to take it twice to pass it, once again I encountered a European immigrant teacher whose methods were not conducive to my learning (lots of scolding and even whacking with a yardstick when one made a mistake). The second time around a much kinder woman helped me eek my way through. Once I reached college and had to take language there as well, I continued to have problems with it. By virtue of living several years in another country, I am now fairly bilingual, but my progress has been slow and mostly down to being immersed in the language.
So, while I was often referred to as intelligent, when I first encountered multiple intelligences theory, it intuitively struck me as right on the button for describing the reality of abilities and learning. It seemed from my experiences that different people have different abilities, that there are varying strengths and weaknesses in all of us, and that some of these are innate at least to some degree. Since learning about that it has helped me in my own learning, as I started to become less critical of myself in areas that I didn't excel, and to not give up on things that didn't come so easily. While I still am very unwilling to sing in front of people, even in a besotted karaoke session, in the area of physical activity, I took up flying-disc sports and persisted with one, Ultimate, to such an extent that I ended up being a member of a world champion team.
To turn a little more directly to this session's focus, I would like to mention the results of taking a couple of the MI assessments linked to for this class. I opted to try a couple of the free ones. The first one I did was "Assessment: Find Your Strengths!" at literacyworks.org. The second was "Howard Gardner's Miltiple Intelligences" from businessballs.com. While this latter one had some more detailed descriptions of Gardner's MI model than in the session notes, I found the assessment less satisfying than the former. This is because the results were merely presented as a numerical score for each intelligence type and no descriptors or explanation of what those scores might mean. Also, I found that my scores seemed to be fairly similar, ranging from 22 for Bodily-Kinesthetic to 29 for Intrapersonal. I am also not so sure that the types of statements actually lead to a true reflection of my learning strengths or weaknesses. For example, on Musical I scored 25 though I believe that I have little ability in this area. I think this is because some of the items were things like music is important to me or I like listening to music, both of which are true for me but which don't seem to reflect whether or not I have ability in music. The first assessment I took provided a more descriptive report, and included suggestions for taking advantage of what were rated as my top 3 intelligences. Interestingly, there were some significant contrasts between the two sets of results. While Intrapersonal was top rated on both instruments and Linguistic was also pretty high on both, Bodily-Kinesthetic was smack in the middle on the literacyworks one as opposed to bottom on the other. Also, on this one both Logical-Mathmatical and Musical were rated quite lowly. Therefore, I do have some doubt about relying on these assessments. Also, since my students are learners of English as a foreign or second language, these tests might be rather difficult to administer to them. That said, I do think that the tasks and activities described in Gardner's Model for Linguistic and Intrapersonal do seem to fit with what I have been comfortable with and successful at in much of my learning to date, which does point to some validity of these assessments.
As for using this concept to inform my teaching, I do it already, though not in any of the really formalized ways suggested in the session readings. I do try to incorporate a variety of activities, including doing some teacher-led stuff, some group activities while also giving students some time to work on their own, some things that involve physical activity, using music, giving students similar input both verbally and in written form, etc. I even explicitly taught my students this past year about this idea of there being multiple intelligences, specifically the visual, auditory, and kinesthetic types, and encouraged them to try to use their strengths. I am interested in maybe trying to adopt a more formal approach to teaching to different learning styles such as the learning cycle based on Kolb's model.
Monday, February 6, 2012
RSS Reflection Post
After joining this course, CEP 810, I had to start using an RSS
reader. I had seen the little RSS buttons on many occasions but never
really knew what they were. Now I do!
If you look down at an earlier posting, you can see a screenshot of when I first set up my reader and then a couple of days later. You can already see that I had added some more feeds during those couple of days, including one from a classmate's blog. Her blog, "When you can't afford student loans...go back to school" has provided some interesting reading, especially since we are in the same course and learning some of the same things. It has been nice seeing a different perspective on these things. Also, I posted to her blog. For some reason I could not comment, but I was able to make my comment into a post, "Trying to Comment".
Here you can see a screen shot of my reader today:
In it, you can see I have added a couple more feeds, and I also got rid of one. The one I got rid of was a news channel. I found it was just simply too overwhelming, too many posts and not well organized, and I felt like I needed to read through them all. I decided to take control and unsubscribe. I am happier going to the BBC and Mlive websites directly when I want to read the news and selecting the stories there that I want to read. Another kind of overwhelming one is related to new books online. However, this one I don't really want to remove but I did decide I will look at it only when I have free-time and am looking for reading material for myself. I also could envision if I have students reading at a fairly decent level, I could use this to help me suggest books they can read on their smartphones on the train, etc. On the other side, the TESOL blog has only had one posting since I joined, Weblogged has had none, and ITSE has a fairly low volume. The ITSE ones tend to be pretty informative and basically academic articles rather than blog entries or discussion postings.
The ones related to Extensive Reading have been fairly active and give me the most directly useful stuff for my work outside this class right now. One is primarily discussions between teachers using and/or wanting to know about ER. I've already encountered a few useful ideas and a couple links. The BeeOasis one is mostly short passages for reading. This would be a better one for my students to be subscribed to as they can get daily readings sent directly to them, and I could see using this site in my teaching next semester. While the TechLearning feed would seem to be a fairly useful one for me on the face of it, it actually has only yielded an occasional interesting or directly useful post for me personally, such as the one the other day on teaching the parts of speech. Most of the posts, however, are not applicable to my context, and I just scroll through the summaries.
I have mentioned ways I might use some of this in my own learning in passing, but let me make those a bit more explicit. The ER sites give me useful ideas, answers to questions, classroom resources, and a place to make connections with other professionals with similar interests and concerns. A couple of others support my learning in this class. As for using RSS feeds with my students, besides the above mentioned one designed specifically for English learners, I could also see a class blog where the students and I all subscribe to the feed and can make posts about the class. Also, this could be a tool to motivate some students to read more, by getting them to subscribe to a feed or two in areas of interest to them so that they are getting reading they might find intriguing delivered regularly.
If you look down at an earlier posting, you can see a screenshot of when I first set up my reader and then a couple of days later. You can already see that I had added some more feeds during those couple of days, including one from a classmate's blog. Her blog, "When you can't afford student loans...go back to school" has provided some interesting reading, especially since we are in the same course and learning some of the same things. It has been nice seeing a different perspective on these things. Also, I posted to her blog. For some reason I could not comment, but I was able to make my comment into a post, "Trying to Comment".
Here you can see a screen shot of my reader today:
In it, you can see I have added a couple more feeds, and I also got rid of one. The one I got rid of was a news channel. I found it was just simply too overwhelming, too many posts and not well organized, and I felt like I needed to read through them all. I decided to take control and unsubscribe. I am happier going to the BBC and Mlive websites directly when I want to read the news and selecting the stories there that I want to read. Another kind of overwhelming one is related to new books online. However, this one I don't really want to remove but I did decide I will look at it only when I have free-time and am looking for reading material for myself. I also could envision if I have students reading at a fairly decent level, I could use this to help me suggest books they can read on their smartphones on the train, etc. On the other side, the TESOL blog has only had one posting since I joined, Weblogged has had none, and ITSE has a fairly low volume. The ITSE ones tend to be pretty informative and basically academic articles rather than blog entries or discussion postings.
The ones related to Extensive Reading have been fairly active and give me the most directly useful stuff for my work outside this class right now. One is primarily discussions between teachers using and/or wanting to know about ER. I've already encountered a few useful ideas and a couple links. The BeeOasis one is mostly short passages for reading. This would be a better one for my students to be subscribed to as they can get daily readings sent directly to them, and I could see using this site in my teaching next semester. While the TechLearning feed would seem to be a fairly useful one for me on the face of it, it actually has only yielded an occasional interesting or directly useful post for me personally, such as the one the other day on teaching the parts of speech. Most of the posts, however, are not applicable to my context, and I just scroll through the summaries.
I have mentioned ways I might use some of this in my own learning in passing, but let me make those a bit more explicit. The ER sites give me useful ideas, answers to questions, classroom resources, and a place to make connections with other professionals with similar interests and concerns. A couple of others support my learning in this class. As for using RSS feeds with my students, besides the above mentioned one designed specifically for English learners, I could also see a class blog where the students and I all subscribe to the feed and can make posts about the class. Also, this could be a tool to motivate some students to read more, by getting them to subscribe to a feed or two in areas of interest to them so that they are getting reading they might find intriguing delivered regularly.
(Not) Getting Things Done
This is kind of a delayed post, and not to make any excuses but before I delve into it, I just want to say I haven't been helped by feeling unwell the last few days.
So, we had a part of a session on a method for keeping track of all the things you need to do and working through them efficiently, while also freeing your mind from needing to keep track of it all. This lesson was timely, in that I was having a lot of things to do come up (including the different elements of this course) and keep track of. But it was also bad timing, in the sense that I felt I had too much on my plate to try to spend some time experimenting with a new method for managing my work flow. In the past few days I have faced a busy work period, lots to do for this class, a period of deadlines for work in my professional association, and sudden unexpected employment opportunities.
As it turned out, at first I couldn't get to the document for this assignment, and then did get it after a couple of days. Both in reading the session explanation, and the document, I felt that I already do most of this though with a couple of notable exceptions. These are having a formally set weekly review time of it and having a long-term goal section clearly spelled out. Another weakness I have is not having different elements in one unified area. I do currently have a list (on paper) on my desktop (physical) at work where I have all the regularly recurring tasks (planning lesson X or Y, making and copying the weekly vocabulary quizzes, prepping materials for committee meetings, etc.). These are laid out according to each day or days of the week I should be doing them, sometimes with smaller elements of a larger task listed out below it. Then to the right are columns of check-boxes for each week to check items off as they are done. Below this list is an area to write in different tasks that come up (which I can't do immediately when they come up) in pencil, allowing me to erase them when done and free up the space for new ones. I review this every morning, and when I have completed a task and have time to work on something else. For non-work tasks, I keep a list on my iPod Touch, which I manage in a similar way to the pencil part of the work list. The biggest difficulties in this have been that my long-term tasks and my more immediate ones have been all lumped together and that I haven't set a consistent review time or system. I plan to start building these elements in. I have also been building in using online calendars and automatic reminders, but I am still less than satisfied given that in many cases I am not connected to the Internet where/when I want to add or check these items.
One way in which this lesson, combined with the one on documents, did serendipitously help me immediately was with the above mentioned employment opportunities. I was suddenly made aware of a couple of openings for the coming academic year (starts April 1st in Japan), one of which I was aware might be available a year from now and intending to apply for at that time. Since I had spent time on the resume update, that was pretty much ready to go. In the GTD part, having been prompted to spend some time thinking about longer-term goals meant I was better prepared for writing a cover letter as well as preparing for an interview.
So, we had a part of a session on a method for keeping track of all the things you need to do and working through them efficiently, while also freeing your mind from needing to keep track of it all. This lesson was timely, in that I was having a lot of things to do come up (including the different elements of this course) and keep track of. But it was also bad timing, in the sense that I felt I had too much on my plate to try to spend some time experimenting with a new method for managing my work flow. In the past few days I have faced a busy work period, lots to do for this class, a period of deadlines for work in my professional association, and sudden unexpected employment opportunities.
As it turned out, at first I couldn't get to the document for this assignment, and then did get it after a couple of days. Both in reading the session explanation, and the document, I felt that I already do most of this though with a couple of notable exceptions. These are having a formally set weekly review time of it and having a long-term goal section clearly spelled out. Another weakness I have is not having different elements in one unified area. I do currently have a list (on paper) on my desktop (physical) at work where I have all the regularly recurring tasks (planning lesson X or Y, making and copying the weekly vocabulary quizzes, prepping materials for committee meetings, etc.). These are laid out according to each day or days of the week I should be doing them, sometimes with smaller elements of a larger task listed out below it. Then to the right are columns of check-boxes for each week to check items off as they are done. Below this list is an area to write in different tasks that come up (which I can't do immediately when they come up) in pencil, allowing me to erase them when done and free up the space for new ones. I review this every morning, and when I have completed a task and have time to work on something else. For non-work tasks, I keep a list on my iPod Touch, which I manage in a similar way to the pencil part of the work list. The biggest difficulties in this have been that my long-term tasks and my more immediate ones have been all lumped together and that I haven't set a consistent review time or system. I plan to start building these elements in. I have also been building in using online calendars and automatic reminders, but I am still less than satisfied given that in many cases I am not connected to the Internet where/when I want to add or check these items.
One way in which this lesson, combined with the one on documents, did serendipitously help me immediately was with the above mentioned employment opportunities. I was suddenly made aware of a couple of openings for the coming academic year (starts April 1st in Japan), one of which I was aware might be available a year from now and intending to apply for at that time. Since I had spent time on the resume update, that was pretty much ready to go. In the GTD part, having been prompted to spend some time thinking about longer-term goals meant I was better prepared for writing a cover letter as well as preparing for an interview.
PC Maintenance & Security Post
I did the Internet Security lab in my CEP 810 class. The most useful new thing I learned was a technique called "Google Guard" for checking if an email you've received is a scam or not. This involves using google search and inputting the address of the the mail or the url of a link included.
Using the tutorials from Atomic Learning was less productive. While I learned some things, such as about SSID and how to disable the broadcast mode to hide your home wi-fi, since I am a Macintosh user, the Windows-oriented tutorials were not as helpful as I hoped.
First, I chose to watch J.6 & J.7, Accessing wi-fi hotspots and wireless networks. As mentioned above, the ability to hide your home wi-fi network was a useful technique I learned about. Nothing really surprised me in these two tutorials.
Next, I went into D.6 & D.7, tutorials on installing and using Spybot. However, as I watched these two tutorials it started to seem pretty clear this software was only for a Windows PC. I decided to go into their website and check, and confirmed this. I then looked at the list of tutorials related to Blocking and Killing Spyware & Adware and went to each website of the listed software and found all of it to be related to Windows. On one hand, that is disappointing because I would like to learn about options for my computer. On the other hand, I know part of this is that Macs have historically been less of a target and that is part of why there is less of a market for this kind of software. Unfortunately, "less" doesn't egual "not" and so I still want to learn how to provide more of this protection for my own computers.
Anyone have any recommendations?
Using the tutorials from Atomic Learning was less productive. While I learned some things, such as about SSID and how to disable the broadcast mode to hide your home wi-fi, since I am a Macintosh user, the Windows-oriented tutorials were not as helpful as I hoped.
First, I chose to watch J.6 & J.7, Accessing wi-fi hotspots and wireless networks. As mentioned above, the ability to hide your home wi-fi network was a useful technique I learned about. Nothing really surprised me in these two tutorials.
Next, I went into D.6 & D.7, tutorials on installing and using Spybot. However, as I watched these two tutorials it started to seem pretty clear this software was only for a Windows PC. I decided to go into their website and check, and confirmed this. I then looked at the list of tutorials related to Blocking and Killing Spyware & Adware and went to each website of the listed software and found all of it to be related to Windows. On one hand, that is disappointing because I would like to learn about options for my computer. On the other hand, I know part of this is that Macs have historically been less of a target and that is part of why there is less of a market for this kind of software. Unfortunately, "less" doesn't egual "not" and so I still want to learn how to provide more of this protection for my own computers.
Anyone have any recommendations?
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